Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fergus Playing A Trick, Murphy's Law Or Divine Intervention?

Packed up, everything stowed and we just needed to bring the slides in. Maybe if I had prepared like Ray's Bubba from Utah who posted on the blog the other day suggested we would have known.  Bedroom slide...In. Hydraulic passenger slide..IN. The slide behind the driver...two inches and stopped. Now it wouldn't go in or out. Roger checked all the fuses then I rechecked all the fuses. Not a thing out.  Now Roger tried bringing it in by hand. There is a "crank" area down in the bowels of this boat and he crouched right in. It went another 2 inches and stuck.  I got out on a ladder and wiped the gaskets with baby powder. I have read it keeps the rubber supple. So the gaskets smell nice but alas, that didn't help either.

Our RV guy is on vacation. I called two others. One is on the road from Arizona and the other charges 280.00 just to get here.  I'm waiting on one more guy from Cocoa to call back.  Roger just thought after our downpoour finishes here he's going to start the coach to see if it may work then.  Anything at this point.  If all else fails we will wait for the RV guy to get back from Arizona on Tuesday and have him come.  We will cancel our first 2 days in Georgia and then probably drive straight to the Lake in Thomson, Ga. on Wednesday.

It had an issue at Lazy Days when we first went to get it and they replaced the fuse. Hmm, should have had it looked at then. Oh well.

You can see the dining room chair akimbo over there. The room is out on a slant. 

Pouring rain outside so the kids are snugged up next to me. 

Fergus playing a trick? Fergus was our chocolate Lab. Roger's boy.  Smart and oh so silly. An amazing agility dog, sensitive and knew before we did that Roger had heart issues.  Fergus had a brain tumor and the day he went to the Bridge, Roger and I went to the beach and just sat. All of a sudden a huge gust of wind came, picked up the umbrella and blew it down the beach with me running like a goof after it laughing and crying. It had to be our boy.  On the day my beloved Sophie, my black Lab Muse left, Ozzie and Sammy escaped out of the yard and again in my heartbreak I was running after them laughing.  Seeing today is the anniversary of Fergus trip to the Bridge I just figured he wanted us to stay put for today.  We actually did laugh!! And, Roger told me he was almost relieved about not driving today. 

So, Murphy's Law? Divine Intervention? Fergus? Maybe all of the above. We're all together and snug as bugs in rugs here at the RV Park.  The storm is crazy out there. We will get there when we get there. 

Have a great day.


(who forgot to add this the other day..duh!)


  1. yes you are all together,and its only a few days I think you are right its all of the above,xx Rachel

  2. Oh boy, I didn't mean to jinx your sea trial. I was just a bit worried about little things like Roger's desk impacting your ability to get back to the bathroom while in transit.

    Hoping for a quick fix!

    Best regards,
    Bubba in Utah

    1. LOL, no you didn't. Actually if we had checked we would have known and had it repaired before our time to leave. It was a good suggestion. Anyway we have a mobile man coming today to check it out. Called our warranty holder and hopefully we will be good to go in a few days. :-)
