Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A Month Already?

Time really does fly! But in this time life has been good.

On the RV side of life our claim into the insurance company is finally proceeding. It took a new person to take over the claim and she's getting things accomplished. I found an RV repair man here, Ron and he's been busy but still getting things ordered for us.

The offending awning! The Santa Ana winds did a number on it this past winter and even though we have a $500.00 deductible on this side, as well as another claim in the other, sigh, it really needs to be fixed.

And why is that Sheila??

Yes, that's rain leaking in. I don't worry about the valance itself and actually glad it's soaking up the water, but if it leaks into the wall, which some has, it will cause our wall to delaminate from the frame. 

I have climbed up as far as I feel comfortable to put Seal Flex tape up on the seams but Ron said some of it just didn't stick. He did say he'd fix the seams for us when he did the final work. Needless to say I do not do the rain dance around here.

I've been busy doing new art pieces and I recently ordered a floater frame for a couple of them. This came yesterday and I'm loving it.  Gold crackle, good weight but not heavy and it really enhances the painting!

I recently completed a painting on copper for a person who won a portrait. Each year I donate to Lab Rescue. I was thrilled to receive this photo of the subject and his portrait!

Some years ago I was doing small 4" x 7" paintings and putting them in 5" x 7" double mats. They were quick and affordable so I decided to add them once again to my repertoire. If you would like your pet drawn or painted in this format please let me know. $25.00 prepaid and they are on acid free watercolor paper and sent in a plastic sleeve.


I've also been taking on line art courses to strengthen my abilities. (Those which at times seem to play games with me and hide), It's an ongoing life lesson these gifts so every so often I need to stop and refresh. My goal is to get outside and do some on site paintings without every value being the same. Wish me luck. LOL

This is a recent painting I did of our Sammy. 10" x 10" oil on stretched canvas. I have to say it's one of my favorites. Painted after one of the on line classes and I found I was much more bold with my use of color. This will also be framed in a gold and black floater frame.

And finally..I bought, as roger calls it, the 1000 dollar bed for Sam. It's an orthopedic and he loves it. He waits for it at night in the bedroom then sits and waits until I return it to the living area and oh, wait, I also haul it outside for him to lounge in the air. I know, you all want to come back as one of our doggies... so do I!!!!

Well that's all for now. The sun is out and I need to get stuff dried outside from yesterdays deluge. Life in an RV. Not all that bad if I do say so myself!!

Have a great rest of your day and I'll see you soon.


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