The other joy of a little thing is the temp going down last night so we could turn on our Fantastic Fan and have cool air streaming into the bedroom. Since our mobile repair guy cleaned out our A/C units we have had constant dripping. Yes, I called him yesterday.
My big joy, if one could call it that, (one does) is I finally have my rhythm back as I paint. The brushes are flying and I now have a couple of projects going. Now, finding space to place all the projects as they dry!!
A few of my shells and the pendant I made from one of them. I haven't wrapped anything in quite awhile,as you see, but it was this little thing that gave me joy that day. I'll probably re wrap it at some point.
The beginning stages of a 14" x 14" oil on canvas commission
Loved the eye but found it too large. Time to redo.
The redo. As I look at it it still seems too large so next I'll make the nose a bit smaller. His snout is long and skinny and I don't feel I've reached that spot as yet. No worries.
No, it's not the Blue Angels practicing overhead. This was an actual cloud formation that we saw as we were driving down the road. I called it Stairway to Heaven for obvious reasons. This was a huge "little things" joy for me. I so expected to see my Heart dog Sophie at the top of the "stairs" wagging her tail at me.
Sometimes things like this just make you go, Hmm. Affirmation of something else or just a cloud formation. I'll let you decide.
This week has been the 16th anniversary of my parents passing. My Mum, the 26th and My Dad the 1st of November. Same year. Maybe they were peeking out from around that cloud the other day. I'm sure they were.
Have a great day!!