I try and work on 2 or 3 paintings but sometimes it's difficult finding a spot for them in the rig to dry. When I was in NH and outdoors, brushes flew. Outside here in California, in the desert, I'm afraid of the paintings getting sand all over them. (Deer in headlights look here) Anyway, This is Shiner and he's at the Bridge. Such a sweet soul, and how do I know? I feel him, sitting beside me as I work. Ok, that's really creepy Sheila! No, not really because if you saw the difference between a piece that I've done and the pet is alive as apposed to being at the Bridge, you would know.
That will be an interesting blog for another day. lol Sheila's psychic abilities!
So new Years Eve, Bob, Betty, Paul , Diane, Roger and I sat out by Diane and Paul's coach surrounding a gas fire pit. We had salmon canapes and all sorts of goodies and drinks. The night was freezing so we bundles as best we could, then at 10:00P.M. Arizona time, which is what it is right here at the campground, we celebrated New Years East Coast Eve. Two hours difference.
The fire started to die out, low propane, so we all decided to go home, get snugged in bed and call it a night. Our first New Years Eve on the west coast.
Since then we have been cleaning the rig, doing tons of laundry and,for me, getting commission work painted and shipped. I am excited for the new year because it's always a clean slate and remember, it's my POWERFUL year! My plan is to write done the images I'd like to capture in paint while we are here.
Flu shot, got one. The one for "seniors" that has 4 times more serum. Just my thought, last time I will ever get one. I was feeling awful for days. The flu is going through the campground here like crazy but we don't hang out with the larger crowd. They all seem to be hacking away so we definitely wont be joining them. At some point ,if the fire ban is lifted , we have been invited to a big fire on the beach with everyone. That should be fun.
Ok, the kids are getting anxious which means walk time. I swear they can tell time. Thank you to my Amazon shopper, I appreciate your purchases as I get big pennies. Hey, everything helps in this journey!!
I'll be back tomorrow, I know I forgot something so I'm sure it will pop into my head around 2 A.M.
Keep warm and safe..crazy weather all around.
Happy NEW Year to all of you.
PS, Happy Birthday Swooze!!! xoxox
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Such beautiful work and such a beautiful pup! It appears you have captured his personality. Well done!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. It was a joy to paint!!