Thursday, April 13, 2017

Counting Down To Lift Off

Sorry, hope you can read lips..need to figure out the sound issue. :-(
I bought a selfie stick! This morning I made about 5, yes 5, videos and in each one it was difficult to hear my voice.  I thought it would be good for doing vids on the road but I need to re group. We do have an ProGo and it will attach to the stick so that may be the way to go in the end. 

The count down has begun.  Our friends are doing their preparations to leave as they go before us. Our blast off date is about June 1st.  OMG, can you actually believe that!! So much to do and get finished. The one thing we do have is reservations! For the summer months of June ,July, August and part of September we will be 8 miles from my daughter and her family. We will be staying at a campground in Lee, New Hampshire. Beyond excited! We will then travel to Myrtle Beach and stay for a week at Apache Campground for Roger's submarine reunion. October 2, ...we head west!

                                                               New Watercolor

Yes I'm working away here. I'm hoping you all find something you can't live without. My goal is to post something on my Daily Paintworks site so it will help in our travels. I'm manifesting health, safe traveling and an income to help with the diesel fuel. WE ARE GOING!!!! 

I found an art Guild in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. It will be about 30 minutes from where we are staying and yes, I'm joining. Living the artists dream is about immersing myself into that culture. 

Well I'm off to open the smashed package that came from Amazon poorly taped, hardly closed and holding a 20" x 20" stretched canvas. I emailed them last night about the sad job on packaging. I'm hoping I don't have to email them about a ruined canvas. 

I know this blob of tape and get frustrated when it does that but I cut that part off before sending a package.  It may have been a long day for the packer, they were probably exhausted from walking and packing all day when they did this too small box. Yes, just a wee bit of sarcasm there. I either receive a huge box for the tiniest tube of watercolor or this too little room box for my canvas. Then in the big scheme of things it's really not that important is it. 

The Year of The Cat is on the radio now, (Al Stewart) and I need to get up and dance and twirl. 

Have a great day..see you tomorrow and you can meet the "kids"


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Membership To An RV Blog Group

Well this is exciting!! Now that we are actually planning on traveling I joined this group to tell you about the campgrounds we will be visiting! So, maybe I should tell you about where we have been for about two years while we were getting ready.

                                                             Our Home For A Time

That's us there with the car parked in front. CiCiBlue. Except for going to Georgia and South Carolina we have been here getting repairs done and Doctor appointments up to date. Basically learning all we could about our motorhome. Crystal Lake Park is right off Rt. 95 and we are close. Some people complain about traffic noise but after a few days you don't even notice it and at night it can put you to sleep. The hum of the road. The sites are large which we find find a huge bonus and prices are reasonable for this area. Close to Kennedy Space Center, Disney, Beaches and stores. Call early for winter spots since a lot of the people are return snowbirds.

From our front door. Not bad!! I will miss that! 

Taken from our bathroom window. Last year they mated and had a young one. He stayed with them until recently as we watched the parents teach him the mating dance.  (I'm saying HE since he grew to be larger then both parents)

I have driven through other parks nearby and they seem squished in so for space, I'm giving Crystal Lake RV Park a thumbs up!!

Have a great day..


Monday, April 3, 2017

Update On Our Refrigerator Safety

 Our friends, Mike and Jeanette, emailed us to let us know about something that we can use to keep our refrigerator safer. Well, us safer actually. It was their coach that burnt last week and as Mike said, he wished he had known about this product sooner.

                                                          Halon Fire Extinguisher
Please click on the link so you can read more in depth information on it. Basically, you place it in the back of your refrigerator, the outside of your RV behind the little door. I have read that it may be too large and you won't be able to lock the door back on but you could use a strong roofing tape as one man did or as Roger plans on doing, extra strength velcro. He wants to install it high enough so that the gas, if at some horrid chance a fore did start, will rise and extinguish the fire before anything happens. From what I have read it really protects, extinguishing the fire instantly.

We have found them on Amazon but at a higher price.

So we ordered ours today. A fire may never   happen but our CiCi Blue is now 12 years old and the frig dies then comes back to life every so often. In hotter weather the temp inside goes up and our ice cream is always soupy.  It's getting tired. I wish for it a peaceful death and I wish for us peace of mind and once it's installed I will breath easier.

So, please check it it out. $185.00 is not much when you consider the alternative. The one on Amazon is 255.00 I think and yes, I would have put that baby on a credit card without hesitation.

Our friends wanted us to be safe so I'm passing this on. Please pass it on to your RV-ing friends too or anyone. You can also use them in your cars...(I could get carried away with these...trying not to become

Have a great evening...


Sunday, April 2, 2017

More Preparations

  I said to Roger the other day that I think we do more work now on and around the RV than we ever did at the sticks and bricks. So what happened this week.?

Not sure if you can see but we are thinking maybe our alternator may be overcharging our batteries and as a result, acid bubbles over. The acid corroded the battery cage and they were on a severe tilt towards the road.  So, Bob, our savior, purchased the materials to weld a new battery grate. And yes, he has a welding unit with him. (love this man)

Roger and Bob hooked up our batteries from outside the cage so we always had power and lights. Another bonus! It took a few days due to appt's and other things but finally it was done. Roger painted the steel with 
Rustoleum and voila'...the batteries went back in.

I did mention to Roger we need to look at AGM Deep Cycle sealed batteries. For our first try we over watered the babies we now have. 

Then, we have another goal before we leave. It's my to do list actually. The batteries and a new refrigerator. 
Our Norcold is propane/electric. We run it on electric and if I tell you our ice cream is soup you will understand. Another ugh. The other issue is they catch on fire. There had been a recall and ours had been done but I still worry. It will "die" and as soon as I call the repair guys, it comes back to life. The perfect scenerio is for it to die and we can put it through our warranty. Since it's a high dollar item the insurance company will send someone to check it out. Second opinion so to speak.  Yes I think I did mention this in the last post but let me show you what happened the week after to friends of ours. 

And it was in storage. The unit is on it's way to the insurance company but the fire Marshall thought it was, yes, the refrigerator. Not sure how but our rv repair person has said watch for the yellow residue. Ammonia leaking. Needless to say I've been a fanatic.

Where do you keep your receipts? We keep ours in a plastic box in a closet. So did our friends. They burnt. I said maybe I would put them in our fireproof safe? Theirs melted. Plan B is copying them and letting my son hold onto the originals, God forbid we ever need them.

So, my goal, a new refrigerator. Rolling in the dough Sheila? Not at all. I'll be painting non stop working to make enough to do this. CiCi Blue is our full time home. I stayed awake all night trying to think of how we could get our dogs out, how we could get out. I just read of a class C  had their frig catch on fire while driving. The woman felt the flames at her back as she struggled with her seat belt and thankfully she was safe. So, think good thoughts and manifest a residential refrigerator for us!!

Something fun!! Roger made me a fun light for over the dining table!

The other evening we watched the PBS program on Yosemite Park. Lola came up to lay with us for a bit and started to watch the program with us. It's hard to see but the second photo shows a coyote! Lola perked right up and started barking at it.  Roger and I couldn't stop laughing, which I will say we so needed to do. She's such a goof. 

Well that's it for today. It's getting really hot and dry here in Florida which means I'm miserable. But you have lived there for years?? Yes I have. Silly me. Roger loves the heat and can sit outside forever. For me, I melt. I am so looking forward to going out west and have no humidity. (Now watch, I'll complain that there's not enough moisturizer in the world to stop my skin from drying up and becoming leather). Moisturizer....that's on my list too!!

Have a great rest of your weekend...
