Isn't that where everyone keeps their Chromebook cord? On one of our traveling days I must have put in there for safe keeping thinking of course I'd find it...but then, one must do the laundry!
Oh well, found and now on to other things. Yesterday we actually did quite a bit. Look what CiCiBlue has on!! Her wheel covers! We are in more shade here then in Florida but still we need to protect the tires. Roger started her up then raised the coach so we could fit them over the tire. Lord, they are large tires. You can also see I have put my states onto our travel map on the slide out by our front door. Maine ,Vermont and Delaware are the only states we didn't get to.
The other accomplishment was this!
Getting my bike off the back ladder. Today Roger is taking it to his old stomping grounds and the bike shop he would frequent to get it into ship shape condition for me. It's a 12 speed or was a 12 speed until the gear shift decided to break. I'm also hoping they can clean off some of the rust and make her a bit prettier. I've had her for 15 years and I'd hate to part with her.
So for the first couple of days that we arrived, it rained! Buckets. The roads became flooded with water and mud and my sneakers became slogged down with said muck. I did have a pair of rubber boots but the slice on the toe area just didn't cut it and Duct Tape just wasn't in the fashion statement. So hello Amazon my friend, and voila', new boots! They will look great with tights and my jeans. Shorter and comfy. The one thing I need now is rain and no rain in sight! (Not complaining, just want to try out my new boots!)

Yesterday was one of those days that everything seemed to go south for me. I was dropping tubes of paint, brushes and just felt that the talent was out the window. I had paint left over on my palette from one of my commissions that I was working on so I grabbed an 8" x 8" linen panel and started splashing paint around. "It doesn't look like the reference photo" I was thinking. Then heard, "Sheila, how did you feel about that area". This was the result. "Queen Anne Maybe" Today is a new day and I'm feeling hopeful.
This is what's behind me. We haven't bought wood for the fire pit as yet but the chairs are ready. For $10.00 you get a really large pile. Maybe this weekend! It's Friday and we are hearing the weekenders coming in. They will be noisy and party into the night until it's "quiet time" but one does hear a hoot every so often after that time. All and all, not bad.
Roger, Sammy and Ozzie coming in from their morning walk. Lola and I do a different route up to the field then back down and around, passing the boys, then back up a hill as I tell Lola, "Time for Mumma's coffee". She starts to pull me up the hill, bless her, and we get home. Florida was flat and my hip/leg seemed to hurt more. I also saw that I was loosing muscle mass on my right leg. Excited to report I'm rebuilding!
We are close to
The Lee Speedway and tonight, since it's so clear out, we will be hearing the race. It should be fun.
And..breakfast is served yet once again. A Frittata! Spinach, egg and potato, oh and my favorite, cheese!! Fresh coffee and, sorry guys, no dogs. I did save a small morsel for Lola and Sammy.
Off to finish my second cup of coffee then inside to paint. I can feel it heating up out here now, nothing like Florida but it's getting warm. So, have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow!!!
P.S. Just got a message that one of my books sold and I'm getting a royalty. $4.27 but ,hey, I'm thrilled!!!