Sunday, January 28, 2018

My First Rodeo

Hmm, got you thinking?

No, yesterday we actually went up towards Lake Havasu City to Sara Park along 95 north and went to an actual rodeo. To say I was beyond excited is an understatement. Each Christmas my mother would ask, "What would you like Santa to bring you this year?" Each year I would say a pony and a baby brother. (Finally got older brothers but never the pony)

The start of the Grand Canyon Pro Rodeo

The rodeo grounds are in the desert and actually we are all living in the desert surrounded by amazing mountains. The assumption is desert= massively hot. During the past few months I've worn more clothes then I have in years. tee shirt+ flannel shirt+ sweater+ oh yes, Sweatshirt with hoodie up. (sometimes at night to Usually the Santa Ana winds were at their peak during those cold days but it's during the spring and summer when temps in the desert get to 100 and over. Every day and night. Electric runs 20 cents per Kilowatt here in California so I can't even imagine what our electric bill would be like on top of rent. 

Yesterday the winds were supposed to come back so we were prepared but the desert sun kept us comfortable and at times almost too warm.

A little action for you.!

I finally remembered to put my camera on sports mode so I could get better action shots. 

A look at we could see from our seats.

We actually live on the other side of the mountain that is to your left in the photo. 

Men of strength and courage. Horses determined to get them off their backs. As soon as the rider was thrown off other riders came right in and released the cinch around the horses belly. They also did that with the bulls.

Tons more photos but I think this may be my favorite of the day. When I did agility with Sophie we were taught, look at the obstacle you are going to run to and everything will fall into place.  Even driving a motorcycle,  if you look at that dead road kill, you will run over it. She has her eyes glued to the next obstacle, the finish line. She made that tight turn and blasted across the field. She represents my "Powerful". Calm, determined and doing it. I'll be printing this out and hanging it next to my Standin' on the Corner photo.  She came in with a great score and today are the finals. I've got a feeling she and her bud will do just fine.  One girl blew her chances by worrying her hat was going to fly off.  I know, I seem to find life lessons in everything. ;-)

That's it for now. Santa Ana winds have come back in and Roger just volunteered to make pancakes so I'll sign off.

Have a great day everyone and see you soon. 9 more weeks until we roll again for the east coast. 


And of course you know the photos are copyrighted. Figuring out what medium I will use to be painting them. ;-)

Living The Artists Dream is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Travelling Up And Down The Twisty Winding Road

I always chat about how the road past the gate is a winding, twisting road over the mountains to get to Parker Dam and some civilization, so I thought I'd do a show and tell today.

Going beyond the gate!!

After traveling the road you know the shape of the mountains and can tell if you are going out or coming back in. 

I held my breath for this one the first time out.

And it starts to turn down and around. You can see rub marks on the railing as you drive by and it's a long way down.

Oh ya. This is where I say "OMG"

At the bottom of this part of the road there is an extreme right hand turn and a sign that says to watch out for falling rocks. (Deer in headlight eyes)

After a few more hair raising turns with minimal railing we reach Parker Dam. Cars can crosss but not RV's , trucks or anything over 8 K . The road is really narrow and it takes you to Arizona and Parker. The deepest Dam I believe made. It closes at 11:00 P.M. and opens at 5:00 A.M. Not sure if that's California time or Arizona time. Mystery time zones!!!

Tomorrow I'll show you some of the interesting rock formations here. No, seriously, stop rolling your eyes and laughing. One looks like a face!!! Haha.

Have a great night..


Living the Artists Dream is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Update Of Living In California On Lake Havasu

It's been about 2 months and a few weeks since we have been here. I will say it has taken some getting accustomed to but now since I have conquered the 10 mile crazy twisty road over the mountain and realized the volcanic rocks that remind me of Mars are cool, I'm loving it.

The Whipple mountains are over 3 million years old. 3 Million. I can't even fathom that as we drive through them. You see a regular hill of stone and flora coming up from it, (I always thought it looked like a sleeping animal) then from that this rock juts angrily out of it and going in a totally different direction from what you would think.

My imagination takes me to a time of great change and many volcanic explosions here. Then on our way to Lake Havasu City we need to drive south to cross over a small bridge in order to drive 95 North in Arizona. By the bridge you see again the volcanic rocks where houses are built. So was this area once totally underwater? I'll venture out again and take pictures of some of the mountain formations that I am in awe of. You will be able to see the, to me, incredible change of direction in the way the rocks are moving. What a time it must have been.

The sky changes rapidly here too. One minute we are looking at clear skies then look up again and we see cloud formations. They are saying rain. Last month the joke was we felt one drop then the sun was out but the regulars here say, yes, it does rain. I would be surprised.

And..I was!!! I sat myself right up in the drivers seat and watched it. The mountains in the distance totally gone. The sand and dirt, soaked and puddles formed since there is no place for it to drain. Very different soil then Florida.

Lola barked at the sound of the rain hitting our roof. It's been over three months since we have experienced this phenomena! I even got excited because I could wear my cute rain boots, and I did! The puddles are still out there today even with the sun. It will be curious to see how long it takes for them to dry up.

The people are really friendly, waving as we travel on the long windy, twisty road over the mountain. The commonality is we are all in the middle of no where and I'm beginning to love it. Where else do you get to see fighter planes, all kinds, flying and circling over the Lake. The AFB in Vegas trains the best fighter pilots the country has. Were else do you get to see wild Burros walk right up to you or empty out your cardboard box of stuff to eat the box at 2:00 A.M., or groups of Quails or the occasional Road Runner go by.

I'll say I wouldn't have missed this for the world!! 

Have a great really is all about the little things in life.


Saturday, January 6, 2018

New Post New Year New Finished Painting

I try and work on 2 or 3 paintings but sometimes it's difficult finding a spot for them in the rig to dry. When I was in NH and outdoors, brushes flew. Outside here in California, in the desert, I'm afraid of the paintings getting sand all over them. (Deer in headlights look here)  Anyway, This is Shiner and he's at the Bridge. Such a sweet soul, and how do I know? I feel him, sitting beside me as I work. Ok, that's really creepy Sheila! No, not really because if you saw the difference between a piece that I've done and the pet is alive as apposed to being at the Bridge, you would know.

That will be an interesting blog for another day. lol Sheila's psychic abilities!

So new Years Eve, Bob, Betty, Paul , Diane, Roger and I sat out by Diane and Paul's coach surrounding a gas fire pit. We had salmon canapes and all sorts of goodies and drinks. The night was freezing so we bundles as best we could, then at 10:00P.M. Arizona time, which is what it is right here at the campground, we celebrated New Years East Coast Eve. Two hours difference.

The fire started to die out, low propane, so we all decided to go home, get snugged in bed and call it a night. Our first New Years Eve on the west coast. 

Since then we have been cleaning the rig, doing tons of laundry and,for me, getting commission work painted and shipped. I am excited for the new year because it's always a clean slate and remember, it's my POWERFUL year! My plan is to write done the images I'd like to capture in paint while we are here. 

Flu shot, got one. The one for "seniors" that has 4 times more serum. Just my thought, last time I will ever get one. I was feeling awful for days. The flu is going through the campground here like crazy but we don't hang out with the larger crowd. They all seem to be hacking away so we definitely wont be joining them. At some point ,if the fire ban is lifted , we have been invited to a big fire on the beach with everyone. That should be fun.

Ok, the kids are getting anxious which means walk time. I swear they can tell time. Thank you to my Amazon shopper, I appreciate your purchases as I get big pennies. Hey, everything helps in this journey!!

I'll be back tomorrow, I know I forgot something so I'm sure it will pop into my head around 2 A.M.

Keep warm and safe..crazy weather all around.

Happy NEW Year to all of you.


PS, Happy Birthday Swooze!!! xoxox

Living The Artists Dream is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.