Saturday, February 21, 2015

Painting Day

Today we met and worked on our paintings after drawing yesterday. I was really pleased at all the results and the approaches took. One person still has some work to do but we will continue next week.

Wendy didn't make it to the class today so you will see her's next week. Park duties were beckoning her.
Lola's face will be continued next week too.

We were excited it was warm enough to work out on the rec hall porch and have a great view. Tomorrow morning is our breakfast of pancakes, sausages and waffles, starting at 8:00 A.M.. Roger and I need to be down at the hall around 7 to prepare. We're the waffle people! Dear Lord, that's early!!

 Why a photo of my feets?? With the cold weather this week my toes were cold. I have trouble putting a sock on my right foot. My muscles have tightened and my leg won't bend that far..yet. I'm determined to get that mobility back. But, meantime I bought a pair of Crocs with fuzzy insides. Clogs, which I have always loved and better still....PURPLE!!!! Happiness is...!!!

Have a great weekend and chat tomorrow...or Monday.. really!!! 


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Warm And Sunny Florida....NOT!

Our little outdoor plant display. It's actually going down to 29 degrees overnight. Roger has opened up our grey tank and we will let the faucet drip a bit during the night. Our first really cold night. I'm sure everything will be fine but we don't know yet. Our learning experience. 

I covered the new palm plants in the pool area, it being part of our new job. They were expensive so hopefully they make it. We haven't put on our heat as yet. Just amazed at the insulation in this coach. At night we even sleep with our bedroom window open. Of course we have two Labs sleep with us and two fuzzy blankets to curl under. I prefer to be sleeping in colder weather and from everything I've read it could even make you loose weight. But then, maybe you have to be shivering non stop. One night my little finger was close to the window and I woke up with one frozen finger. I put my hand under my arm, between my legs and everywhere I could think of to get it warm again. Silly me. 

Tomorrow we are doing a "Paint Your Dog" class. I think 5 people have signed up so it should be hysterical. I haven't figured out yet how to work it out just yet, but I'm sure it will go just fine. Living the dream and on the edge. hahaha.

 Yes, this is Lola. Roger will be in the class so this is his portrait. Top left is the pup three coaches down from us and the pup top right is Terri's greyhound Google.

Below is Wendy's dog and of course, Sammy at the bottom. Cathy, next coach to me is painting so I chose this one for her.

If all else fails maybe I'll have everyone do this one!

We will do show and tell tomorrow night unless the class extends on and on and on. A lot of them do but we have fun doing it!

I have finished a commission and getting ready to ship it off. Part of it is still tacky so I may have to wait.

12" x 12"
oil on canvas

So, stay warm and safe. Storms around the country are really wacky lately. Thanks for following and see you soon.

Warmly, and I mean it,

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Yet A New Vacuum!

So, yesterday, my little buddy, Ruby left! Her Dad, Glen, got a better job and they had to leave. He texted me and asked if I'd like to see her before they left so I went over for our last walk. She has come so far in the time I have known her and I told Glen I would paint her picture for him. Ruby started out rough, left to die, but a community worked to save her!! Glen said he'd keep me posted as she grew! And, yes, I am sad today.

Yes, he is amazing!!! :-)

Our new Hoover dual action rug cleaner. You can already see the difference. Three dogs, rain and mud will totally make a light colored rug disgusting. We have won that prize.

We will probably have to do it again but I put it out to the Universe earlier that I'd really like a bamboo floor instead. Much easier. 

My friend had surgery yesterday and today was sent home! I am so grateful!!! Both for her friendship and that she will be fine!! 

Roger and I started our "work camping" work today. He planted trees and I started to spray off the pool area but more water got on me than the surface. Come to find out that the hose needed another washer. I'll try again tomorrow. It's been colder than usual here in Florida so the water wasn't the warm fun kind.  People have been coming to me to let me know what they are bringing for the Valentine lunch/dinner. I think we will have a good turnout. 

I have been seeing the number 11:11 everywhere lately. Of course I googled and found that I am on my correct path in life. Whew, good thing...we got rid of everything and this is it!!! Actually I feel more alive now then I have in years so I know it's been a great decision. 

Wendy just dropped off some goulash that she made last night so I'm stopping and having some dinner. Yummy. So have a great night and chat tomorrow. (have you noticed that my "tomorrows" are sometimes longer than one day?) hahaha.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

It's The Little Things In LIfe That Excites Me

Yesterday we painted at the camp rec hall with Terri. Roger finished a great painting of a sheep. (need to get him on here to post it). Terri was working on a sculpture of a greyhound. In the conversation it was decided to go to Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge to take photos at sunset.

So at 5:15 P.M. we collected Terri, door to door service, and off we went.

For those who know me, my Heart Dog Sophie, appears as a Dolphin when she lets me know she's ok. Yes, we live in Florida where there are many, but she comes as just as single Dolphin. Just after she went to the Bridge she was a cloud in the shape of a Dolphin over my house.  First eciting photo of the evening as I called over to her!!

At one point just her head came out of the water. So quickly and of course I missed that photo but saw the dolphins face.

An amazing fly by. 

My photos come out pale so I asked Terri what setting she used. She put it on the setting "TV" , then mentioned other settings but by then I was in heaven seeing the color in my photos!! Ah, the little things that excite me.

"Look!!!!!", I yelled. "What a painting!!!!"

And as we drove home I took this out the window. I also took photos of clouds, a plane jetting across the sky under the clouds. 

Ok, here it is!!!

Lola had her spa day yesterday also, More later on that. She smells divine!!!!

Have a great Sunday!


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

So What Have We Been Doing?

So, what have we been doing? As you know we have two cars. Roger has a 2013 Chrysler 2000 (Sebring) and I have a 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee.  My Jeep is slowly dying and his convertible just isn't practical for three dogs.

My Jeep is paid for but the Convertible, well, we owe on it. Enter our friend Terri . In her other life she sold cars and knows the ins and outs. She stopped by the Nissan dealership and told the salesman our predicament. Gary, the salesman, said " come on in". So yesterday, Terri, Roger and I drove our trusty cars to the Nissan dealership. We are working with the bank to get rid of our house so we heard a lot of "gee, no" from the manager as he tried to find the perfect fit for us. We took a ride in a 2014 Pathfinder and when we got back, we got a few more no's but maybe he could get it if he could speak with one special person. Of course, that person wasn't answering his phone. Shall I mention we arrived there at 3:15PM and now it was just past 7. We were tired and we both have dogs that are home, hungry and need to pee. So, we started to leave. That's when I noticed I lost my wallet. I looked in the Pathfinder and no wallet. Looked inside the showroom, the ladies room, nothing. Terri went out and search the car once again and found it under the front seat.  As she came back in the manager said.."We got it!!!!"

From then on Terri haggled with the finance manager, and we got the price WE wanted.  We even got more for the two cars than we thought!! A full moon and magic!!

Now to breath and find a front wheel tow dolly for it.  Plenty of room for the kids too!!! (And paint my butt off to help pay for it all) Haha. It will be a joy!!!

Have a safe and warm night. We're expecting thunder and torrential rain. 
