Thursday, January 31, 2019

A New Year And A New Start

I started the year feeling hopeful.  This will sound strange but years that my age ended with a 2 were always exciting even though some had a bit of sadness added in.  I was 52 when my parents passed 6 days apart, but I had moved to Florida and started a new life.

This year I turn 72. To my younger friends, that sounds damn old but to me?, I don't notice it unless I pass a mirror. 😬 Anyway, my goal this year is to start a new series and be daring.  Monet did his waterlily series in his 70's so it's not over and I am expecting great things. Retire?  I don't think I know any artists that have retired, lord, I'd be miserable to live with if I wasn't painting or doing some sort of artwork. It's what I wanted to be when I grew up...still doing that, so it's not over yet.

I bought a box of 10" x 10" cradled boards and thought, hmm, time to get out there and do plein air, until one day a friend on Facebook showed a piece she did using cold wax with her oil paint.  I'm a fanatic about finding out the what's and why's and how to's so off I went to Google. I was finding you tube videos on how to begin but everyone seemed to be doing abstract with this medium.  People like it, artists create it but I will tell you honestly, I have no clue. My goal? Learn how to use the wax combined with the oil paint and go back to before my dog technique and do my own thing.

Painted Desert above is my first painting with cold wax.  It's mixed with the paint you put out on your palette, wear gloves because holy cow it's everywhere.  After putting on a good healthy cover of color and scraping it over the board to show my darks and lights I started constructing the scene. Oh..thick brush strokes and textured.

Living The Dream RV Repair Blues  18" x 18' on cradled board.

And the series begins. I used myself as a figure before in my art, cathartic at the time, but now this piece would be just a part of the Painting Across America Series.  The background down I used one of my paint sticks to draw in the figure, keeping lines and adding them to various places. Like my watercolors I feel lines are the bones of the work and add interest to a piece.  

It will be fun to see how this all goes. Abstraction? Who knows where it will lead. Dogs? Oh of course they will be included in the cold wax process and I already have one painted in my head.

Redoing my web site and adding older work to Etsy.  I'm not sure but it may be the same sheilawedegisart on etsy.  Haha. Easier for me to remember.

RV stuff...We actually received a check from the insurance company about our awnings however the only thing it covers is a motor for our large patio awning and having our slideouts re siliconed on the seams until we win the lottery.  It's all good.

Lola had her Spa Day!!!   

I didn't realize that she was getting her summer trim and it's been cold in the mornings. Always a Mum, if I'm cold then they must be too so on goes my sweater. She strutted right along and didn't even glance at me twice as I was rolling with laughter. She just looked oh so cute.  She has a weird growth on her neck so we're off to the vets next week to see about it. Prayers please. Who else would make me laugh so much?

Waiting, hahaha, for the repair guys to install the awning motor.  They will come. Our next project is buying tow new tires for our front wheels. 7 years is the time to purchase regardless of tread. 

And on that note, (a shameless plug) please remember that along with regular payments for purchasing artwork I also do payment installments.  So I better start my day. Three cups of coffee, one with a piece of a chocolate bar dropped in, and my ration of CBD oil to focus, I'm ready.

I'm hoping to post blogs more often, not time for depression to sneak in this year, it knocks but I'm keeping that door closed so far!! Have a great day and thank you for stopping by. I think you will love the new series..don't miss it!!


and the gang!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for such an informative piece of information :)
    If anyone interested similar one's have a look here

